W9W2 works to ensure that the communities views on the state of our streets is constructively fed back to WCC and their contractors.
Once a year we participate in WCC’s annual survey of our priorities and observations.
On a regular basis we work to ensure that necessary repair works are highlighted, as well as doing our best to ensure that regular maintenance to footpaths and trees is attended to.
We also seek to minimise the disruption to residents of these various works, not least by seeking to reduce the number of Parking Bay suspensions required.
Our Streets
Our Highways Committee has been set up to monitor the condition of our roadways, footways and street lighting etc. We liaise with Westminster Council Officers and their service providers to ensure that our streets are kept in the best achievable condition. We also strive to ensure that any streetworks in the area are carried out efficiently and to an acceptable quality, and in the meantime keeping disruption and inconvenience to our residents to a minimum.
Every year we are consulted by Westminster Council for our suggestions for schemes to be included in their Capital Works programme and are asked to identify carriageways and footways that need renewing, along with suggested improved street lighting schemes. In recent years we have had considerable success in getting our ‘wish list’ items onto the approved list of schemes. Also every 3 months we are invited by the Council to attend a CASSA (Clean and Safe Streets Audit) where we physically inspect all of our roads and footways, together with Council Inspectors, contractors and our local Councillors.
Westminster Council do have an environmental action line (0207 641 2000) for members of the public to report street issues, and we would encourage you to use this service. However, please contact us about persistent or unresolved problems, such as potholes, footway hazards and rainwater ponding etc, also any issues with streetworks such as excessive disruption, over running or unnecessary parking suspensions etc. Also any suggestions for next years works programme (larger schemes) would be very welcome.