The Cultural Legacy and Popular Appeal of James Bond

The Popular Literature and Culture Research Centre and the University of Roehampton present “The Cultural Legacy and Popular Appeal of James Bond”

The Popular Literature and Culture Research Centre and the University of Roehampton present:

“The Cultural Legacy and Popular Appeal of James Bond”

– Public Forum and Discussion

Thursday 12th October 2017, 6-7:30pm

City of Westminster Archives Centre

10 St. Ann’s Street London SW1P 2DE

Booking Essential.

Telephone 020 7641 5180 or email [email protected]

Development of Highways, Drainage and Public Lighting Schemes – 2018-19

The Council is developing its proposed maintenance works for highways, drainage and public lighting for delivery during the 2018-19 financial year, using a prioritisation process to identify those streets most in need of repair….

The Council is developing its proposed maintenance works for highways, drainage and public lighting for delivery during the 2018-19 financial year, using a prioritisation process to identify those streets most in need of repair.

We would welcome your input into the process, by sharing any knowledge of defective areas of the network and submitting details including the following:

  •   The name of the street, location and the extents
  •   The problem/defect, for example, poor condition of the carriageway/footway, drainage issue or lighting problem. Please provide photographs where possible
  •   Any suggestions you may have for improving or fixing the problem/issue

A Highways Review Panel has been created to scrutinise the selection of proposed works with panel members representing a cross section of amenity societies and residents associations. The panel will ensure that the prioritisation process is robust and transparent. For ease of reference, please find attached the proposed works list for the current 2017-18 financial year.

To view our agreed list of works for the 2017-18 financial year, please access our website:

To maximise the likely receptiveness to the suggestions for our area, please send your suggestions to Paul Newman, our society’s Highways representative who will consolidate them as well as ensure individual responses are visible. Paul’s email is: [email protected]

These are a few of my favourite things

The talk by Alison Kenney, Archivist, will showcase the weird and wonderful items noticed over 35 years of working for the Westminster Archives Centre…

City of Westminster Archives Centre
Tuesday May 2017

The talk by Alison Kenney, Archivist, will showcase the weird and wonderful items noticed over 35 years of working for the Westminster Archives Centre.

It promises to be a very interesting and entertaining talk, taking in the earliest document of 1256, William Blake’s Book of Job, the Java Sparrows performing in 1820 and the beautiful catalogues from Liberty’s and Jaeger shops.

Call or email Westminster Archives Centre to book your free place.

Westminster City Archives
10 St. Ann’s Street
London SW1P 2DE
020 7641 5180
[email protected]

2016 Carol Concert

On December 8th, the Society once again hosts members of the community to their annual carol concert as a focus for celebrating the breadth and diversity of the area and its vibrant spirit…

On December 8th, the Society once again hosts members of the community to their annual carol concert as a focus for celebrating the breadth and diversity of the area and its vibrant spirit. Led by Father Gary Bradley, with readings by a number of community leaders, generously supported by the landlord of Paddington Central, British Land. Traditional refreshments add to the festive spirit.

Canal cavalcade brings a lively crowd to Little Venice

Once again, courtesy of the Canals & Rivers Trust, Little Venice enjoyed the annual Canal Cavalcade…

Once again, courtesy of the Canals & Rivers Trust, Little Venice enjoyed the annual Canal Cavalcade, which is becoming a special blend of a celebration of ‘narrow boat life’ and also the wider spirit of the area, with a diverse range of exhibitions and entertainments appealing to a broad cross section of the community.

Well attended AGM

The AGM was well attended at St Saviours School Hall, where members came together to discuss the future of the Society and agree a way forward…

The AGM was well attended at St Saviours School Hall, where members came together to discuss the future of the Society and agree a way forward. Recognising the good work that had been done over the years, members were keen to build on, not discard the past, but also recognised the Society must continue to evolve to be relevant to the current generation of residents.

In addition to relaunching the web site, it was agreed to add a further name, W9W2 in order to ensure that the Society was seen primarily as an active Community body, not a local history society. In addition, it was agreed to introduce a new level of ‘registration’, allowing interested parties to readily sign up to receive news and updates about the community. Full membership would also be retained for individuals and businesses to allow donations to be made to support the Society’s work.